The quality of human resources is a critical success factor of development and progress of a nation. The labor of AEC countries that have higher job competence, of course, will have a greater opportunity to gain economic advantage in the AEC. Moreover, the AEC only profession experts who agreed that engineers, architects, nurses, surveyors, tourism workers, medical practitioners, dentists, and accountants. As for the informal sector that most of them have little education, do not have a chance. Though the number of informal workers in Indonesia sangalah lot. Hence the need for attention from the Indonesian government to prepare its human resources. Due to the low level of human resources, it will be difficult to compete with workers from other countries who are superior. This will only increase the number of unemployed. If unemployment rises, it will cause their social inequality and social classes. Because the only people who have the capital as well as individuals who are able to obtain higher education that can compete in the MEA. While the group of individuals who come from low-grade and low education can not compete. They will only be the proletariat who squeezed his strength and did not get anything. This is very unfair and not in accordance with the purpose of AEC. Because of the Asean Economic Community should boost economic growth, reduce poverty and improve the living standard of the ASEAN member countries.

            Asean Economic Community may indeed be a positive impact on foreign investment in Indonesia. But unfortunately the number of Indonesian workers is dominated by informal workers. They generally do not have the mental preparation to compete with workers from other countries. Therefore, the Indonesian government should pay more attention on this issue. Should government efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources so that the workers can compete and certainly got a decent welfare later.

            Some of the efforts to be made by the Indonesian government to improve its human resources which are:

  1. Introducing early on ASEAN Economic Community to students and educate them to be optimistic in the face of AEC and instilling values ​​of responsibility and the ability to collaborate.
  2. Optimizing existing infrastructure either by organizing workshop or seminar for new workforce skills and training in quality improvement for the existing workforce.
  3. Conduct training for Indonesian workers to learn to understand and continue to update the latest technology that supports every job. Due to constantly evolving technology, mastery in the field of technology weapons is very important to support the work.
  4. Creates a competent workforce of educational institutions at the intermediate level, which is of secondary vocational schools and vocational programs, D1, D2, and D3 as much as possible.
  5. Training and professional education of the professional workforce.
  6. For experts, should be given on a standard certification expertise and competence to be a guarantee of competitiveness of human resources at home and abroad.

But in addition to the efforts of the government, would be expected there is awareness of Indonesian society to improve the quality of self by continuing to develop expertise and science respectively. In order to continue to compete in this era of economic globalization. Besides planting of confidence, the values ​​of responsibility and improved work ethic is also necessary to create quality human resources and ready to compete with other countries in the Asean Economic Community


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